We like creating.

Discover open source tools built by our team to streamline your cloud operations and solve complex technical challenges. Free of charge.
DoiT International Labs

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Amazon AWS

Our team created open source tools for Amazon AWS. See for yourself.
Slack Goo

Interact with Cloud Management Platform and share reports and budgets on Slack!

Awslack Goo

Get Slack notifications on AWS CloudWatch events like instances being launched or terminated, S3 events, etc.

G Suite

We took our own spin with G Suite and created several new open source tools. Check ‘em out.
Slack Goo

Open engineering support tickets with DoiT International with a single simple slash command as simple as /doit

Google Cloud

Our team created open source tools for Google Cloud. Take a peek.
Bigquery Grafana Goo
BigQuery Plugin for Grafana

BigQuery datasource plugin for Grafana which provides support for Google BigQuery as a backend database.

Kuberbs Goo

K8s deployment rollback system based on system observability principles of modern application stacks.

Reoptimise Goo

All growing businesses run into the same fundamental problems. Hair on fire, cloud spending going through the roof, loss of control.

Iris Goo

Automatically tag and label Google Cloud resources for better manageability and billing reporting. 100% Serverless.

Shamash Goo

Serverless autoscaling for Google Dataproc Hadoop, Spark, Hive & Presto aiming to reduce cost of big data operations.

Gslack Goo

Get Slack notifications when important things happen like someone deletes important bucket or spin up an expensive instance.

Banias Goo

Opinionated serverless event analytics pipeline written in Go and distributed data processing engine based on Apache Beam.

Zorya Goo

Google Cloud Instance Scheduler helping to reduce costs by 60% on average for non-production environments.

Kubeip Goo

Assign static IPs from predefined pools of external IP addresses to Google GKE nodes so your customers could whitelist them.

Google Maps API

We like to map things out. We built a few open source Maps API tools to help you out. See them here.
Slack Goo

Open engineering support tickets with DoiT International with a single simple slash command as simple as /doit

Microsoft Azure

Our team created open source tools for Microsoft Azure. Don’t believe us? Look here.
Slack Goo

Open engineering support tickets with DoiT International with a single simple slash command as simple as /doit

Microsoft Office 365

We made open source tools for Office 365, too. Check them out.
Slack Goo

Open engineering support tickets with DoiT International with a single simple slash command as simple as /doit

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